
It takes 7 minutes to read this article.

0.5.0 (2017-08-15)

0.5.2 (2017-08-15)

Bug Fixes

  • layout: fix category_list in gem install (597dd32)


  • comment: add valine comment (53c27f0)
  • layout: add category_list and category_content (3489720)
  • meng: add a new music player (5c366b8)
  • site: add customCSS and JS (993cc3a)

0.5.1 (2017-07-27)

Bug Fixes


  • comment: add gitment (6e0e781)
  • layout: add lazyload in home (565d747)
  • meng: add button for head card (2b8dc6f)
  • post: add no img post style (93b12d6)

Old (2017-07-11)

Bug Fixes

  • ajax: fix chinese (b9e2a07)
  • aplayer: fix https:// aplayer.js (defc1a4)
  • baseurl: fix baseurl (c7f621e)
  • body: fix body animation (6d209c9)
  • css script: 加入cdn,进一步加快速度 (168d84f)
  • disqus: fix disqus bug (b64cb16)
  • disqus: fix disqus style (94967fb)
  • editor: fix edito file name (36e6ecd)
  • editor: fix there was an error using ajax jump from editor (79286d4), closes #7
  • friends: add new friends (14ad680)
  • include: fix disqus and analytics (2f974e3)
  • meng: fix live2d in mobile (13f2f3f), closes #3
  • meng: fix meng header (27def2a)
  • post: fix post (a36a946)
  • post: fix readtime (8913142), closes #6
  • post highlight: 优化highlight CSS递送 (62dc399)
  • style: fix edge,ie11,safari style (a2539ac)
  • tags: fix tags (3a220cd)


  • 0.2.0: v0.2.0 (57dd9a1)
  • ANALYTICS: add google analytics (38098cc)
  • body: add fade animation for body (3f7953b)
  • comment: add livere (7de9725)
  • config: add site.yml (5541e46)
  • editor: add theme editor (f8825f7)
  • footer: add bootcdn support (ecbd20b)
  • friend: add new friend (44d896f)
  • friend: add new friend (1ab2d96)
  • friend: add new friend (3090323)
  • friend: add new friends (fd35c5e)
  • head: add bootcdn support (1c4ca3f)
  • head: add mete keywords (1987def)
  • head: css js load from bootcdn (885f001)
  • home: add lazyload (3c09941)
  • include: add note,tips,warn (8a6e1d9)
  • INIT: init theme (9b638d6)
  • layout: add editor (202b46a)
  • meng: add live2d (d46fa49)
  • meng: add meng bg,meng card (6841391)
  • meng: add meng console (6348cca)
  • meng: add meng head_card (8044e53)
  • meng: add meng header (4d7083c)
  • meng: add meng title and meng cursor (2631e0a)
  • menus: add about friends todo (1ed5960)
  • nav: add mobile nav touch events (c6012c5)
  • nav: add nav search (075dc36)
  • page: add actegory and tags pages (14f6cac)
  • page: add img boxed (34fa5d9)
  • post: add mathjax (3207cea)
  • post: add new post (d81ee7b)
  • post: add qrcode,share (59bbc63)
  • posts: add ‘last update date’ ‘reading time’ ‘code highlighting’ (75ae93e)
  • search: add search (bac0b5d)
  • site: add many authors (9dc49fb), closes #5
  • site: user ajax (4f9763f)
  • siteConfig: add hosted by coding (9b0129e)
  • tags: get taglPostLits from urlist (45db36a)
  • version: 0.2.4 (2a2d002)
  • version: 0.25 (82b977e)
  • version: 0.3.0 (1f8a388)